9 Tips for perfect office move process

office move

It is much more difficult to move offices than it is to move your home. Why? It is very simple. The company’s operation depends on the speed and organization of the move.

A move to an office involves many people from different departments it’s not the same as a Residential Moving. It is important to plan and have a clear plan.

These 9 tips will help you make your office move successful

1. Select the date for the move

You can estimate how long it will take to move your office based on the size of your company and the number of employees. It is best to move your office during months with less activity. Because activity will slow down or stop completely during the move period,

You can move your office overnight or on weekends if it is not too large and doesn’t take a lot of work. Although many companies choose to move in the summer, you should consider the possibility of some employees being on vacation.

It is also important to remember that the moving industry is seasonal. Therefore, moving costs are more expensive on the weekend and holidays. 

2. Communication between employees and departments

Each employee must be aware of their roles and what they need to always do. It would be a good idea to create a moving plan by the department. This will specify when employees must pick up their belongings, clean their worktables and pack the items of the department.

To make a move you can refer to our guide, which will provide a chronological list of steps to take during a move. You can adapt this calendar to fit the needs of your company or the urgency of your move.

3. Meet the new place

Before you move, you must visit the new place. This will allow you to plan the layout of your new office. You can also determine which items from your old office are still useful, and how to use the new areas. You can also get rid of furniture that you don’t need once you have planned the distribution, which will reduce the cost and volume of your move.

4. Get rid of anything that isn’t necessary

Many documents, papers, and materials are stored in an office. Those that aren’t used often accumulate. You can use the move of your office to eliminate those items or digitize your business documents for a lower volume. The move is cheaper if there’s less volume.

It is common to make the mistake of trying to grab all objects at once without first selecting one.

5. Make a list of all your items

Make a list of the essential items that you will need for your new office before you begin packing. Once you’ve unpacked all your boxes, you can make sure you don’t lose anything. 

6. Computer equipment

This is a crucial step to help speed up your return to normalcy after office moves. We recommend that you move IT equipment first as this usually takes a longer setup and installation process. This will allow you to get the computers up and running as soon as the rest of your objects arrive at the new office.

7. Get the boxes ready

Pack the boxes according to the department. This is one of the most important tips for organizing a business move. It is also a good idea to use a smart packing system. 

Many offices move to require the transportation of valuable and delicate objects such as conference tables, computers, corporate documents, gadgets, and other electronic devices. It is a good idea to consult professionals regarding how to best prepare your belongings for the move.

8. Notify your suppliers and customers

Inform all your suppliers and customers in advance about the office relocation. Sending an email to inform your customers and suppliers about the office move is an easy way to do this.

9. Change your contact details

Finally, make sure to update your contact information wherever it appears. Social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter will require you to update your address. Google My Business, business cards, and email signatures.

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