Well, narcolepsy is the condition of excessive sleepiness during the daytime and will become a matter of concern when you’re a parent. How can a doctor help you in this situation? Although there is no cure for Narcolepsy (or any other neurological disorder), the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) suggests that some symptoms can be control with medication like Modalert or Modvigil and lifestyle changes.
Treatment Options for Narcolepsy
It is important to understand the root cause of the problem before discussing any specific treatments for narcolepsy, especially when you are a parent.
If you suspect that you may have narcolepsy, a sleep medicine specialist or neurologist can diagnose it. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this usually involves a physical exam and two crucial tests. The polysomnogram (PSG), which is perform overnight, shows doctors how quickly you fall asleep and if you have sleep disturbances. This means you have sleep apnea. Then multiple sleep latency tests will be perform by the doctor. This process includes five naps separated by two hours. Doctors track your sleep speed and allow you to enter rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. After having a clear and complete diagnosis, then you need to look into the best treatment plan for you.
Narcolepsy can be present in different ways throughout one’s life. However, it’s not necessarily more difficult to treat if you’ve had it for a long time. Treatment plans don’t necessarily change based on how long someone has had sleep disorder.
What are the treatments for narcolepsy?
There are many treatment options available depending on the circumstances. The following are some commonly used forms of treatment for narcolepsy:
- Medications: These medications, which include stimulants and antidepressants, may help you stay awake during the day and get better night-time sleep. They may also be use to treat sleep paralysis, cataplexy, and hallucinations. After going through your current situation, the doctor will prescribe you the best medication, i.e., Modalert 200 Australia, Modvigil 200, and many more.
- Lifestyle changes: There are simple things you can do at home to manage your narcolepsy symptoms. These include avoiding drugs and alcohol, getting regular exercise, setting a schedule for sleep, and taking naps throughout the day, if possible.
- Create a support network: Visiting a doctor is the first step in managing your sleep disorder. It is important to share your diagnosis with your family, friends, school, work, co-workers, and partners.
Narcolepsy causes
The hypothalamus resides deep inside your brain and is a small structure. This will be helpful in body temperature control. The hypothalamus is also link to the reticular activate pathways, which are brain structures that control our sleep and wake cycle.
Hypothalamic dysfunction is consider the cause of sleep disorder. This prevents the brain’s pathways from working properly. Narcolepsy is not a condition that causes sleepiness at night.
One of the causes of narcolepsy is a lack of orexin (or hypocretin) which is a wake-promoting agent. This deficiency is commonly found in a person having sleep disorder-cataplexy problem.
Different signs and symptoms of narcolepsy
Narcolepsy symptoms may first become apparent when the condition is diagnose. They may then fade over time. This can change from one person to the next. The following are among the most common narcolepsy symptoms:
- People with type 1 narcolepsy may also experience cataplexy. This is an abrupt loss in muscle tone. Cataplexy attacks may be mild or severe. For instance, this includes whole body collapse, slack jaw or complete loss of muscle tone. Episodes are often trigger by intense emotions, which are more commonly positive, but negative emotions can also trigger episodes. These episodes can occur in varying amounts depending on the case.
- Daytime fatigue: People with narcolepsy may fall asleep at any time, without warning. Fatigue is consider as the most common sign of narcolepsy.
- While not all people who experience sleep paralysis have sleep disorder, it is common among those with the condition. Although episodes are usually brief, some people find them frightening.
- A person suffering from sleep disorder sometimes experiences hallucinations while waking up or falling asleep. Dreams can sometimes be frightening because the person isn’t fully asleep.
- Alterations to rapid eye movement (REM) cycles: REM refers to deep sleep and the time when most of your dreaming takes place. Narcolepsy patients can quickly transition to REM sleep, which alters their sleep cycles.
- Other conditions: Many people with sleep disorder also have other sleep disorders like restless leg syndrome, insomnia, and obstructive sleep disorder apnea.
Is narcolepsy dangerous?
It is possible for sleep disorder and other disorders to be dangerous. Narcolepsy sometimes causes attacks while doing automatic actions like driving or writing. These will repeat for the duration of an episode. They are often unable to perform the task well when they wake up.
This behavior is dangerous, as you can see. Sometimes it will lead to accidents while driving. Cooking is another common daily activity that can be dangerous for sleep disorder. It involves heat and sharp objects. For your and others’ protection, it is very important to completely understand and manage your current condition of narcolepsy.
If you want to get any narcolepsy related medications such as Modalert 200 mg or Modvigil, then “company name” will deliver them to your doorstep at reasonable prices.