When you hear “product demo video”, perhaps you think of those old-school demonstrations that took place early in the morning at Teleachat? Or to these very sluggish American advertisements, extolling the merits of “pseudo-miracle” products?
However, it’s a fact: the demo video is a fabulous lever to help your targets understand what your product can bring them, and how to use it to meet their needs.
In fact, according to a Wyzowl study, 66% of consumers say they would rather watch a video about a product than read a written description of it. And that’s without counting on the potentially viral effect of this content format, which can quickly take your business to the next level…
In this article, discover 6 tips to create an effective demo video, and avoid subscribing to old-fashioned Teleshopping codes. Also take a good bowl of inspiration at the end of the article. To launch yourself into a top product demo!
6 tips to create a punchy demo video
With your equipment in hand, and your head full of ideas. You can’t wait to shoot the demonstration video that will make your solution irresistibly attractive to your targets. Butterfly minute: here are 6 key tips for designing a demo video that will reach your audience.
Structure your demo video before shooting
If you have already launched your video marketing strategy through a brand strategist, you know it: a shoot cannot be improvised. After all, even if you are bubbling with ideas, it is necessary to structure your project well before you start.
First, get started designing the script for your demo video. To do this, start by listing the different features of your solution that you want to expose in your content. To each feature, associate an advantage that differentiates you from your competitors: your script will be all the more solid! For example, if your present software in your video. Explain how such and such feature makes it more intuitive than its competitors.
What format should your script take? It depends on the expected result:
- Do you want the person demonstrating the product to appear on screen? Opt for a script in the form of a bulleted list, which your “presenter” can follow, while naturally enunciating sentences.
- Do you want a demo video presented by a voice-over? Write your script in full, with simple and effective sentences, that your voiceover can read in front of his microphone.
Then, take the time to design a well-crafted storyboard. The storyboard of your demo video should explain the skeleton of your content, explaining the different shots that will appear on the screen.
The typical structure of a demo video (and therefore of its storyboard) is as follows:
- An intro, which explains in a few seconds which solution will be dissected in the video. And highlights your brand image (thanks to your logo)
- A quick explanation of the customer problem that the product solves
- The different features and benefits of your product
- A final, clear, and precise call to action
Structure these different parts in the form of a very explicit PowerPoint. Be sure to indicate, from this key moment in your video creation. The elements that may appear on the screen: the logo, text inserts, diagrams, or animations, etc.
Create an environment that showcases your product
If you create such a video, it’s good to boast about the advantages of your solution. And there’s nothing better to completely miss this objective than to poorly prepare the environment for shooting your content!
To avoid this pitfall, here are some tips for preparing the location where your shoot will take place:
- For a software demo video (filmed on a screen, therefore): clean the desktop of your computer. Install wallpaper in the colors of your brand. And prepare the software so that elements demonstrate the value of your product.
- For a physical product demo video: prepare a neutral space to display your product. Possibly with some decorative elements in the background that reflect the tone of your video. Above all, be sure to put in place effective lighting, which enhances your product as it should.
In short, nothing should distract from your product or software: it’s the star. And it’s up to you to highlight it as it should!
Film your solution dynamically
Your obsession: to end up creating a dull demo video that your potential customers won’t watch until the end. Nothing is worse for a marketer than seeing their content not reaching their target by trade advertising!
To avoid this pitfall, when shooting your video, you need to think about dynamism:
- Let the camera roll continuously as you shoot. Of course, some shots will seem “failed” to you; but during editing, you may be delighted to be able to integrate them as secondary shots. Which will energize the final rendering.
- Repeat the same shots several times, from different angles. Film your product from every angle, so as not to miss any key element!
Edit a dynamic video to convey the key message
Let’s go for the video editing phase! At this point, you don’t need to be a budding Spielberg to create a truly impactful demo video.
Get yourself a simple video creation tool, and some of the following best practices:
- Follow your storyboard to the letter for editing. It is this document that will help you to alternate plans. at the right time and obtain a result with small onions.
- Include subtitles in your video. Most videos on the Internet are viewed without sound. At the end of a metro train, or during a rather noisy work meeting… To prevent your targets from missing your message. Be sure to integrate the subtitles directly into the edit of your video. Need advice on this? See the tutorial How to add subtitles to a video?
- Integrate inserts on certain plans. Keywords supporting the features or benefits of your product, diagrams, key figures, animations… everything is good to give pep to your content and facilitate its understanding from the first viewing.
Choose suitable music for your demo video
If you take the time, in your content, to properly film the different features of your solution. It’s a safe bet that you will obtain, during editing, moments of “blank”. Where your voice-over or presenter will not speak. Know this: these “empty” moments are all moments that can make your target flee!
To avoid this, be sure to select background music that represents your brand tone. It will not only “furnish” these moments without words. But also boost the atmosphere you want to give to your content. So, search the free royalty-free music banks to find your happiness (and that of your audience!).
Also be careful, during editing, to balance the volume of your music with that of the voice. The latter must always predominate since it is what carries the key messages of your content.
End with a powerful call to action
Say, if you want to create a demo video of your solution. It’s good to motivate your targets to buy it in fine, right? So, the only way to do this is to make it clear to people watching your video. What you expect from them, in a clear final call to action.
This call-to-action must occupy the end of your video (also called outro). And clearly state the action to be taken by your targets. To highlight it:
- Dedicate an entire panel to it, avoiding having it enunciated by your voiceover or your presenter.
- Use a short and effective sentence: “Try the software for free for X days”. “Order the product on our site”, “Contact a sales representative for a quote”. It’s up to you to turn the sentence so that it fulfills its role, that is to say… to call for action!
With these 6 tips, you are now equipped to produce an enticing product demo video for your targets. And full of pep. Let’s go to sell thanks to the power of video!