Gmail, PayPal, Microsoft Office & Forbes are using Angular – Why?


Angular is a new web development framework and has decades of successful history to be proud of. Every passing day, it takes up almost every traditional framework, even jQuery. Even companies like Microsoft and Samsung use the platform. As you can see, you will have everything you can get from Angular.

There is ample evidence available to prove that Angular is on its way to surpassing all existing standard frameworks, including jQuery. While it is easy for business owners to embark on a journey of fame and history that has taken almost a decade to show off, you probably want to know how Angular has gained the fame it enjoys now. So, what is an agreement? Why are Fortune 500 companies using this advanced web framework?

Tech magnates, such as Samsung and Microsoft use Angular. Other popular brands, such as PayPal, Gmail, Fobes, Deutsche Bank, and Upwork also reap the benefits of this framework. Whether it is a popular online payment system like PayPal or an airline like Delta Airlines, the number of commercial homes they use has been steadily increasing over the past decade.

A little about Angular

Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons were the first to build Angular, also known as AngularJS, back in 2009. Today, it is a popular framework for open source planning. The first option for worldwide distribution with just one-page web applications.

The first Angular release took place in 2016, and, meanwhile, Google is in charge of keeping it. The original text of this framework states that it is above or below the structural framework used by engineers to build flexible web applications. Allows developers to use HTML as the default template language, without allowing them to expand the HTML syntax to embed application components in a few lines of code while maintaining clarity.

The data binding features and injection dependence cause Angular to remove excess code developers often have to write. As all of these things happen within the browser, this framework is one of the best partners you can integrate with all server technologies.

How companies use it

Many businesses are using this framework with the support of an advanced angular web development company to build the front part of their MEAN stack. It contains the following.

  • Angular.js front-end development
  • Node.js server location
  • MongoDB database, as well
  • Express.js web application server

Key features

Angular has a comprehensive collection of key features. These factors make him the strongest competitor to stand against a structure called the React. Here is a list of those features.

1. Cross-platform development

Angular Framework allows developers to build continuous web applications or PWAs. By releasing PWA, developers can bring the same experience as using the app to website viewers. The framework even has a software development kit that is a hybrid of mobile devices called Ionic. Ionic allows developers to download applications to the iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and web applications simultaneously without creating applications separately for each platform.

2. Combining the two-way data

Angular has the ability to automatically sync data between view and model components. This feature allows developers to build interactive applications without having to worry about pushing or pulling data. If you use angular js development tools, you can save a lot of time and money. After all, you will not need a host of web developers just to push and pull various data sources.

3. Very fast operation

Angular can convert templates into semantic code easily. This feature enabled this framework to redefine the modern JavaScript viewer. Angular uses developer handwritten code to another level using incredibly fast loading times and complete rendering capabilities.

4., Frame code with low code

Compared to all the previous technology stacks, Angular is a low-code framework. It is the way its creators built it. Engineers will not need to write the code separately to link all MVC model view controls or layers. In addition, app developers can split the code into code, which, in turn, reduces the time they need to complete the project.

Angular companies

As has been said many times before in this article, businesses of all kinds have been dragging a huge Angular pool on their websites. Everything from email forums to customer-generated flight systems uses this framework.

Deutsche Bank developer website, for example, uses Angular to display relevant API data. In contrast, one of the world’s most popular email clients, Gmail, uses it to display a one-page inbox application, and you probably know that this inbox has contributed to its popularity. Currently, more than 1.5 billion users worldwide are dependent on it every month.

There is ample evidence to suggest that this framework could be extended to all industries because of its flexible and flexible components for organizations around the world. As you continue to learn, you will find the names of several business firms with one common goal – to use web applications and similar scales to satisfy the needs of their customers. All of these companies use angular js development tools to get to where they are right now. Angular allowed them to achieve what they wanted.

1. Gmail

The creators of Gmail developed it as a one-page application for sending and receiving emails in 2004. Naturally, it is one of the best ways to use Angular integration. Whenever a user logs into Gmail, this web application loads only one HTML page while updating information based on new notifications and messages.

2. MS Office

Everyone knows about Microsoft – a surprisingly large international company. It first released MS Office back in 1998. In April, Microsoft recorded 75 million users using MS Office every day. While most corporate companies use Angular, Microsoft is probably the only one turning to bold alternatives. The 21st MS Office expansion is largely due to its global migration to the web. Seven years ago, Microsoft released two independent web applications. These applications have implemented the Angular framework using the Office 365 API. By 2020, MS Office was available to users through an integrated form that contained an online but free-to-use web application called Microsoft 365. In this web application, almost all features of MS Office are integrated into a single page. Allows businesses and users to establish partnerships and create documents.

3. Forbes

Last year in April, Forbes, a world-renowned subscription-based magazine, pressed all limits by moving 173.5 million visitors to its pages. This publishing company prefers reduced web page load time and responsive user information. That’s why it uses Angular in front of it. You can do the same if you hire dedicated angular developers. Forbes has chosen this framework to ensure that its website can update articles and news in just seconds of publication for subscribers to read. In fact, the company developed a clear model as one of the largest Angular publishing organizations. After all, this framework has the power to regulate the publishing needs of 21st-century journalism.

4. PayPal

Another leading company from the USA called PayPal Holdings Inc. uses a large online payment system that covers the whole world. It facilitates fast online transfer. It also serves as an electronic payment system for a third party that has proven itself to be an excellent alternative to common processes, such as cash orders and checks. PayPal uses Angular to create dynamic web pages that can support PayPal transaction data feeds in real-time. It does not mean that the framework serves as a platform for promoting responsive mobile app knowledge and web delivery by PayPal.

5. Samsung

It did not take long for Samsung to establish itself as a major competitor in the electronics industry since its inception in 1938. Yes, the genre comes with more visible hardware than anything else, but it has created responsive front-end sites. by Angular. Of all the Angular-powered businesses, Samsung has managed to establish itself as a leading leader in the electronics industry.


In fact, the first stable release of this framework did not last long in four years. No matter how strange it may sound, it is true. In less than a decade, Angular gained worldwide fame because of its association with other well-known names, including Microsoft, Google, and PayPal. So, if you want to take over this writing, here it is – Angular is a ubiquitous framework and can change the functionality and functionality of web applications for the better. That’s why you should hire dedicated angular developers from a top mobile app development company.