If you want to lose weight, you should not eat too much white bread or wheat bread.
Both wheat bread and white bread contain refined flour. This is the main source of carbohydrates in our daily diet.
Americans and Europeans have developed a preference for all types of bread. Breakfast – toast, muffins, and a selection of cakes, cookies, and doughnuts. Lunch – sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, and buttered rolls. Dinner – more cookies and scones. Snack bread – bagels, crackers.
When you walk into a bakery, the pleasant smell of freshly baked bread stimulates your appetite and taste buds. Freshly baked bread is just as fragrant and delicious.
A thin, “soft” bread has a negative effect on blood sugar levels. The Western diet, dominated by soft, low-fiber white flour bread, contributes to poor glucose tolerance, insulin insensitivity, and digestive disorders. If you really want to lose weight, you must reduce your bread consumption and therefore your daily caloric intake.
For breakfast, choose healthy side dishes such as oatmeal with fruit and nuts, eggs, and tomatoes.
For lunch, avoid sandwiches. Why not opt for salmon, broccoli, or brown rice? Try changing your preferences to healthier foods.
Avoid adding bread to your lunch. Eat more cooked vegetables, brown rice, millet, and quinoa.
As a snack, you can use natural peanut butter, dried fruit (no sugar added), apples, or bananas.
Eating too much bread not only leads to obesity, but can also have serious health consequences!
Bread in the diet is an important source of carbohydrates, which are broken down during digestion and release glucose into the bloodstream. Some carbohydrates are quickly broken down and immediately release glucose. Such carbohydrates have a high glycemic index. Carbohydrates with a lower glycemic index are digested more slowly and require less insulin, making them healthier.
Glycemic index of bread
Most types of bread are not low glycemic index foods. The best type of bread is whole grain bread, which has about 2 grams of fiber per slice. Bread made with wholemeal flour retains more of its natural bran coating. The glycemic indexes of different types of bread are listed below. (Source: The Glucose Revolution – by J Brand-Miller Ph.D.) French baguettes have the highest GI, while whole grain pumpernickel has the lowest.
- Dark Rye, Black. 1 slice, 1.7 oz. 76
- Dark rye, Schinkenbrot. 1 slice, 2 oz. 86
- French Baguette, 1 oz. 95
- Spelt Wheat Gluten Free 1 slice, 90
- Hamburger bun, 1 per package — 1.5 oz 61
- Kaiser Roll — 1 per package, 2 oz. 73
- Light Deli (American) Rye — 1 piece, 1 oz 8
- Melba Toast, 6 slices — 1 oz 70
- Pita (whole wheat), 6 1/2 inch loaf – 2 oz 57
- Pumpernickel (whole wheat) – 1 slice, 1 oz 51
- Rye (1 slice) – 1 oz 65
- Sourdough, 1 slice – 1 1/2 oz 52
- White, 1 slice — 1 oz 70
- Stone ground whole wheat, 100% — 1 slice, 1.5 oz. 53
- Bread – whole wheat – 1 slice, 1 oz. 69(av)
So which is better for your diet: white bread or wheat bread?
Both white and wheat bread contain refined grains. The difference in glycemic index between white and wheat bread is only one point. Whole grain bread contains not only refined flour but also bran and sprouts, which have a higher nutritional value. It contains more fiber. Choose 100% whole grain bread as well as pumpernickel and multigrain whole grain bread. Try also: Best brans bread
What if, in the first 30 days of your new eating plan, you lost 10% of your unwanted weight as fat? How about losing weight consistently until you reach your ideal weight? How about eating a hearty, natural, healthy, and nutritious diet until you reach your weight loss goal? You can get all types of bread from Bread & Beyond bakery and for more information, you can visit its website.
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